Scene #1, Shot #1
Very wide shot. Establishing the desert context. No tree in the shot yet. Sunset time. Slowly panning Left to Right, till the tree appears at the middle of the shot. The tree’s leaves are glowing green. The sound of the tree appears slightly earlier than the tree enters the scene. The sound pans together with the camera movement. The volume is very low, heard almost as whispers.
Scene #1, Shot #2, Opening Title
A bit closer shot than the previous one, so that tree is more visible. Static. Tree is in the middle of the shot. Opening titles appear right above the tree. The sound of the tree grows a bit louder than the previous shot.
Scene #2, Shot #1
Static close-up shot of the tree in the bottom right corner of the shot. The focus is on the glimmering leaves of the tree. The sound of the tree is playing as background music.
Scene #2, Shot #2
Static close-up shot of the tree in the mid-left side of the shot. A person enters the shot from the right side, walking towards the tree. Only the lower half of the person is visible. The pace of the walk is steady and a bit on the slower side.
Scene #3, Shot #1
Static close-up shot. Both the tree and the person are in the middle of the shot. The entirety of the tree is visible, with some free space above (so that the view of the person’s lower half of the face is clear). The person is crouching, looking at the tree in awe. The person is seen from the legs up to till nose tip. The tree is at the front of the shot (so we’re seeing it from its back), while the person is at the back of the shot (so the person is looking at the tree from the front). The person seems to sit relatively close to the tree. At the beginning of the scene, leaves are glowing green. 20 to 25 seconds into the shot, the leaves turn yellow. The shot ends about 7-10 seconds after that.
Scene #4, Shot #1
Static, very close-up shot of the tree branches, taking about 2/3 of the screen. Leaves are yellow at the beginning of the shot. The person’s hand is slowly approaching the branches from the top left corner of the screen, lightly playing around with the leaves. The leaves are turning red one by one, after the first touch. The shot ends after all of the lights turn red.
Scene #4, Shot #2
Close-up shot. The person is now at the front of the shot, with the tree at the back of the shot. The person is seen from the back (they are facing the tree). At the beginning of the shot there is a dolly zoom, to add depth and focus on the cause-and-effect relationship (touching the tree caused its leaves to turn red). As dolly zoom ends, person stands up and leaves the shot (to the left).
Scene #4, Shot #3
Static wide shot like in scene #1 shot #2. Person is leaving the shot from the left side.
Closing Credits
Continuation of the scene #4 shot #3. Credits appear over the background of the tree with its leaves burning red. 3 seconds after credits end, tree’s leaves stop glowing. Few seconds of complete darkness.