There are a few sand-like spots around campus. On campus, there are also some pebble stone terrains that are interesting. Here are a few spots that we could use to test Wheggo.

  1. North Outdoor Track

There is a large area between campus and the north outdoor track that has a sand-like texture. It also has slopes to test the climbing function of Wheggo.

2. Gardens Around Residence Halls

Garden Near A5

The gardens around residence halls could also be used as a place to test how to avoid obstacles.

3rd Floor Garden (Outside library)

And a lot of students pass through the gardens too, which exposes our Wheggo to more audience.

3rd Floor Garden (Outside library)

3. Outside Welcome Center

Outside Welcome Center

There are large areas of sand! I also saw professor tested Wheggo there before.

Beautiful Sunset!!!!

4. Pebble Stone Roads Near Residence Hall

B2 Pebble Stone Road

This also could be a useful testing spot because it is bumpy and rugged.

A2 Pebble Stones


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