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For the neopixels to be put inside the pyramids, we used neopixel rings to light up the subjects. Placing a ring did not light up the whole pyramid, and we found it did not look as we expected. Therefore, we decided to try on putting a neopixel strip with three neopixels on each side of the base of the pyramid. We soldered a set of neopixel strips and tested the brightness and their position in the pyramid. However, the soldering connections between strip and strip are unexpectedly vulnerable. The connections shattered very easily while testing and some parts were not able to be soldered back. We will later try on neopixel bars with more neopixels on each bar than strips and see if the soldering connections will be more stable. Also, we will reorganize the wires inside the pyramid to avoid them blocking the neopixels and causing the shadow. 


We ssed different sounds along with the light to see their overall effect. We are yet to decide on the music or musical notes that we are going to use and have been experimenting with a number of such tunes.


We have 3D printed several pyramid prototypes in different materials. We first printed a white PLA pyramid, which is 100% the size as designed, and we later printed two pyramids, a transparent one and another translucent one both of which are 120% the size as designed. We are still figuring out what material meets our expectations when the neopixels light up better. Also, we are testing which combination of pyramids in different sizes will create the atmosphere we want. 

Categories: Fall 2022