Abu Dhabi Desert Road

The area known as Abu Dhabi Desert Road offers an interesting look at the movement of the dunes and the interaction of human construction and desert wildlife. The dunes have been blowing across the road and the fixed reference makes their shape more visible. The irrigated and planted areas at Read more…

Dunewind Resonator

Dunewind Resonator by Michael Ang, Scott Kildall, and Tegan Ritz McDuffie is a set of electronic sound sculptures that transform a sand dune into a musical instrument that responds to the wind. The five wind-activated sculptures that compose Dunewind Resonator were installed at the top of a sand dune in Read more…

Final Project

Your final project should: Create an interaction or performance between your electronic device and people, the environment, and / or plants/animals. For example: A robot that moves through the dunes A light sculpture A sound installation using multiple CircuitPython boards An installation designed for insects Use CircuitPython and at least Read more…